Areas of Expertise


Expertise to strategize, benchmark and provide outside –in view on strategy based  on exclusive research, insights and strong ecosystem networks including Government

Advisory & Automation

We help organizations create structure, process, technology and behaviours needed to turn their vision for a more streamlined operation into reality. This is accomplished by identifying key automation and optimization opportunities, driving shareholder value through cost-transformation strategies, and developing a strong R&D organization that can drive innovation consistently so that organizations can stay ahead when business outcomes become the mutual interest of design and engineering teams.

Outcomes we deliver !

Advisory - Service Area

Research and insights on the drivers, opportunities, strategic levers, type of GCC,  risks and challenges to help executives form a view on case for change/ business change

Co-design the strategy and business plan for global capability centre, including decision framework and recommendations on location and services

Define workforce strategy, role design and detailed skills dictionary and staffing plan for GCC

Independent and objective review of the GCC options based on Stratinfinity research and quality industry data

Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.

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